Website review – Revival Fabrics

Fantastic website; dealing specifically in vintage fabrics and unique textiles. Revival Fabrics stocks a selection of authentic hand selected classic fabric patterns from the 1920’s through to the 1970’s all in mint condition and available to purchase online. There is a good selection of retro fabrics available making this website a perfect resource for designers wishing to create something unique and original. The rarity of the fabrics on offer means that they are very collectable and can only retain their intrinsic value. In the past the company has been used by Hollywood costumes designers looking for original fabrics to add a touch of authenticity to the films Dreamgirls and Catch Me If You Can . It is also possible to pick up vintage designs by famous artists such as Maija Isola, Grandma Moses and Associated American Artists group. Vintage Fabrics - Revival Fabrics is your place for vintage fabrics. Find what your need from the 1920'2 - 1970's. You will only find origina...